X-178 115V Line, built in 1948-9 and one section “upgraded” in 1986

Listed as cancelled in June 2023 Asset Condition Project list.

2023, August 1; Campton, Thornton and Woodstock DRAFT proposed construction plans

2023, August 1; North Woodstock to Sugar Hill DRAFT proposed construction plans

2023, August 1; Sugar Hill, Bethlehem, Dalton, Whitefield DRAFT proposed construction plans

2023, Inspection/Treatment tags on 1948 section of line

2023, July 3; drone image X-178

2023, July 23; drone image x-178 no road

2023, May letter to ISO re X-178 and Asset Condition problem

2023, June; questions for Eversource

2023, May 24; response to Eversource answers to questions

2023, May; questions for Eversource

2023, May; photo of line

2023, April 22: "Dear Neighbor" letter

2023, April; Project Fact Sheet sent to landowners claiming reliability

2023, April 14; E$ to Easton: "The only request at this point in time is keeping it to municipal staff only while we complete additional outreach to the towns along this line from Campton up to Whitefield.'

2023, April 14; "Confidential" Project information sent with the email above.

2018, October 17; PAC submission, replace 56 structures out of 570 at $11.2 million, later cancelled

2017 river crossing application, no mention of pole condition problems.

circa 2017 crossbar and insulator replacement

2016; X-178 dumped pole clean up by Eversource under pressure from Easton Conservation Commission. New line is proposed to be built in areas Eversource deemed too vulnerable for pole removal.

2016: Bog Pond Scenic Area proposal rejected by WMNF

2016: Bog Pond Scenic Area procedural history

2015, October 19; Testimony for Northern Pass; "load has not required upgrade of remaining [336] lines"

2014: Eversource valuation of ROW and infrastructure in Easton

2013, May 22;: Northern Pass and WMNF Special Use Permit requirements

NP Special Use Permit info. for WMNF with map showing where Eversource has no ROW

2013; found poem; Muntz WMNF special use permit application

Bog Pond area looking toward Old Kinsman Notch

Bog Pond area with poles dumped in 1986 "upgrade"

1948 pole Bog Pond area

Bog Pond area

2018 PAC presentation: proposed replacement of 56 poles out of 570 at cost of $11. million, later withdrawn


Pesticides used on ROW until 1985

1986 'upgrade' paid for by Hydro-Quebec

Forest Service denies PSNH special use permit 1970

1945: Forest Service suggests Bog Pond rather than Coppermine Trail

Bog Pond from South Kinsman before powerline