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Littleton, locations for intercept for user survey

aerial photo showing end of Ammonoosuc Rail Trail, Woodsville

photo showing end of OHRV/motorcycle permitted portion of Ammonoosuc Rail Trail

Old survey map of Berlin Branch ART

Old survey map of Berlin Branch, ART

91-a Historical Review

December 1, 1998 Littleton to Groveton line will be purchased with Transportation Enhancement (TE) funds (which preclude motorized travel. (Snowmobiles are now permitted on TE-funded trails.))

2011 Caledonian Record article on Littleton Rail Trail extension.

January 19, 2017: DOT tells Chris Gamache from BOT and Andrew Dorsett, Littleton Town Manager, that the Littleton to Bethlehem rail trail cannot be opened to OHRVs.

January 26, 2017: Andrew Dorsett asks DOT if Littleton can buy OHRV rights from FHWA

April 21, 2017 BOT and DOT "But, now we have this issue of it being funding in part by TE funds which do not allow OHRV access. If I cannot have OHRVs on this section of rail corridor I cannot justify spending my OHRV land account funds on it. We will try to work through that issue here, but it is an issue that will be front and center in the very near future. ."

May 3, 2019 abandonment of rail

October 25, 2019 DOT to Board of Trails and Littleton Town Manager

November 2019: Caledonian Record article on Littleton Rail Trail public meeting. ATVs: "Everybody does not have to fear what you see up north.”

December 10, 2019: letter to DNCR Commissioner Stewart re. ATVs on Littleton Rail Trail.

December 19, 2019 Chris Gamache (BOT) to DOT: "You guys should have been all over us about this. We have continually been talking about the uncertainty and no paperwork about it. I still want to see what DOT has in the files for this; from where to where is TE? No one can answer that question and DOT does not seem to have any old files to confirm anything about this funding. Sorry, but I going to demand to see the files for this. We still want to pull rails for snowmo use but there is no funding for it. Chris ."

January 13, 2020: “The more significant update is that we have had additional conversations with NHDOT and they have located additional files that actually do show that the section of the Berlin Branch, from Industrial Park Drive north to Whitefield, was in fact purchased using Federal Highway Administration Transportation Enhancement funds. This was discussed several years ago, however we were not able to identify the funds that were used specifically and all discussions over the past several years have been to continue all existing uses of the Ammonoosuc Recreational Trail north through Littleton. This was to include OHRV use. TE funds come with federal restrictions (basically an easement) that do not allow for ‘Motorized Wheeled Vehicle’ use on TE funded projects.’’

May 30 2020 communication to DNCR re Littleton Rail Trail quoting Chris Gamache (BOT) "Future discussions will involve use management, such as possibly rerouting ATVs in some areas, the possible use of private land or roads, and coordination and commmunicating between the town and state on regulations, enforcement, marketing, and signage"..."We really need to treat this as a partnership"

December 19, 2021: letter to Littleton Selectboard, DNCR and BOT re Ammonoosuc Rail Trail

January 15, 2022, email to DOT and Board of Trails.

February 3, 2022, letter to Board of Trails, DNCR, FHWA and Town of Littleton: "The Ammonoosuc Rail Trail (non-TE funded section) does not end at Industrial Park Rd. DNCR has known this since at least 2017."

April 1, 2022 "Trails Bureau does not believe the town will allow OHRV use on Industrial Park Road...It simply would not be safe."

91-a to Littleton, 2022

May 2022, 91-a to Littleton

May 2022, BOT sign permitting OHRVs and dirtbikes on TE-funded trail where OHRVs and dirtbikes are prohibited.

July 14, 2022: Access trail that appears to be on town land, posted as closed to OHRVs.

July 14, 2022, Response to FHWA,BOT, DNCR, DOT and Littleton Selectboard

August, 2022: Forced by the Federal Highway Administration, BOT finally posts the Ammonoosuc Rail Trail between Industrial Park Road and the I-93 overpass as closed to OHRVs and dirt bikes.

August 2022: Letter to Littleton Selectboard re. danger of OHRVs on Industrial Park Road and inadequacy of tiny signs.

August 2022, sign indicating OHRVs on Industrial Park Road.

August 2022, sign indicating OHRVs on Industrial Park Road.

August 2022, sign indicating OHRVs on Industrial Park Road (the small yellow-green sign).

August 2022, sign indicating OHRVs should turn left onto Industrial Park Road

August 2022, sign indicating OHRVs should exit Industrial Park Road

littleton.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/31 19:46 by sigridundset