M-108 aka V-182 Not on June 2023 Asset Condition List
2023, February 13: Pembroke CC minutes: "replacement of 65 existing wooden pole structures with significantly larger weathered-steel structures...Roads through these easements will require significant improvement, including the permanent placement of gravel along the roadbed...Additionally, 100’x100’ gravel work pads will be constructed at each pole location. After completion of the project 60’x30’ pads will be left at each of these sites."
August 2, 2023 project maps
2023, May 22: DES permission to Alter Terrain, with waivers
2023, March 23: New Hampshire Fish & Game conditions
2022: petition
2022: attachments
2022: staff recommendation
2022: license
2022: order of notice
2022, September 8: first page Alteration of Terrain, stamped
2022, May 13; first page Alteration of Terrain, stamped
project fact sheet
2022, May 10: Concord Conservation Commission
May 2023: DES Dredge and Fill permit
2016: Northern Pass F-139 and V-182