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2005: Statistical methods for analysing responses of wildlife to human disturbance HAIGANOUSH K. PREISLER, ALAN A. AGER, MICHAEL J. WISDOM

March 2011: The Economic Value of Quiet, prepared by URS-Scott Wilson for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)

2013: Is this the new smoking? An expert panel review of the York University OHV health benefits study

2016: Cumulative and Universal: ATV Impacts on the Landscape and Wildlife; Backcountry Hunters and Anglers.

2018: Elk responses to trail-based recreation on public forests Michael J. Wisdom, Haiganoush K. Preisler, Leslie M. Naylor, Robert G. Anthony, Bruce K. Johnson, Mary M. Rowland; Forest Ecology and Management.

2020: Roads as a contributor to landscape-scale variation in bird communities: "Species with smaller national populations generally have lower relative abundance with increasing road exposure, whereas the opposite is true for more common species. Smaller-bodied and migratory species are also more negatively associated with road exposure. By creating environmental conditions that benefit generally common species at the expense of others, road networks may echo other anthropogenic disturbances in bringing about large-scale simplification of avian communities"

2021: Environmental Impacts of Winter Recreation; Best Available Science, 2021

2023: Partial COVID‑19 closure of a national park reveals negative influence of low‑impact recreation on wildlife spatiotemporal ecology; "We found consistent negative effects of human presence on species, regardless of status as large carnivores, meso-carnivores, or herbivores. Based on best-fitting models, 12 of 14 species used a fewer number of sites in the year that the park was open to recreation (Fig. 2). Declines in use of sites were relatively modest but were 10% or greater for 6 of those 12 species (black bear, coyote, elk, lynx, white- tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and wolves"

studies.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/17 07:23 by sigridundset