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New Hampshire OHRV studies and Plans

2001: ATV Committee Scope of Work. "Issues for property owners and residents, especially those who live adjacent to trails, typically are: trail erosion, illegal driving on land of others, noise, dust, dominance over other forms of recreation on trails, and operation illegally at night. At the same time ATV clubs are forming whose members aggresssively seek State-sponsoredtrails for recreationall riding and pay a State registration fee."

December 19, 2001 ATV Study Committee conclusions. "Other trail uses, low impact, snowmobile and non-motorized, conflict with ATV use...NH Fish & Game, admittedly, is understaffed and under equiped to provide the necessary law enforcement component."

2003 NH ATV Trail System Plan. "The primary goal for the Bureau will be to align the user expectations with state land management goals rather than the other way around... Other high priority programs identified in the survey included preservation and restoration of native wildlife, wetland preservation and protection, and environmental law enforcement (Robertson 1997). While it has been determined important to provide trails specifically designed for ATV and trail bike use, it makes little sense to sacrifice valuable resources in the process.The state should consider carefully evaluating the current capabilities of the Bureau to adequately address those resource issues that continue to remain serious problems as a result of wheeled OHRV trail neglect or abuse...The development of state-funded wheeled OHRV trails on private land does not require implementation of the recently adopted evaluation procedure."

state_studies_and_plans.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/29 14:54 by sigridundset