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May 13, 2021: Older Eastern White Pine Trees and Stands Accumulate Carbon for Many Decades and Maximize Cumulative Carbon
November 7, Portland Press Herald: Commentary: Don’t be fooled by myths of carbon in Maine, New England wood products
November 26, 2022; Boston Globe: A Call to End Logging in Vermont
December 6, 2022, Vermont Digger; Following a petition and a lawsuit, Agency of Natural Resources begins new public process for state lands
December 13, 2022; Boston Globe, US Forest Service should let forests grow: Letting forests grow would support the full range of native biodiversity
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Classifying, inventorying and mapping mature and old growth forests in the United Sates, Barnett et. al. 2023
Assessing carbon stocks and accumulation potential of mature forests and larger trees in U.S. Frederal Land, Birdsey et. al 2023
Forest-clearing to create early- successional habitats: Questionable benefits, large costs., Kellett et. al. 2023
rewilding.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/25 10:17 by sigridundset