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2017: Division of Forests and Lands Nash Stream S.F. OHRV patrol report; "Off Highway Recreational Vehicle (OHRV) enforcement on the West Side Trail and Kelsey Notch has been limited due to manpower needed to patrol for the amount of OHRV activity present..."

2017: Fish and Game Nash Stream S.F. enforcement report. "Off Highway Recreational Vehicle (OHRV) enforcement on the West Side Trail and Kelsey Notch has been limited due to manpower needed to patrol for the amount of OHRV activity present in the high use areas of Coos County. Manpower is prioritized to respond to OHRV collisions, of which there were two in the Kelsey Notch Trail area over the summer. Five tickets were issued in the Nash Stream Forest for OHRV violations. No other law enforcement activity was relayed to me by the conservation officer whose assignment includes the Nash Stream Forest."

2018: Fish and Game Nash Stream S.F. enforcement report. "OHRV enforcement actions in the Kelsey Notch Pilot Trail and West Side Trails of the Nash Stream Forest was sparse with little to report on... I personally conducted a patrol of the Kelsey Notch Pilot Trail in September and found it to be extremely bumpy and eroded."

2018: Divison of Forests and Lands Nash Stream S.F. OHRV patrol report. DNCR/DFL Forest Protection Bureau patrolled Nash Stream Forest minimally during this past riding season."

2018: Fish and Game MOU with DNCR re. patrolling OHRVs

2019: Nash Stream Advisory Committee memo re. enforcement, no tally.

2020: Coos County Sheriff OHRV citation tally. "Summons: 1113, Written Warnings:37, Verbal Warnings: 5229, Contact/Vehicle Checks: 17,747."

2020: Coos County Sheriff OHRV daily log of OHRV citations. "speed 43, 38 ,43, 40, 48, 40,37, 38, 39, 42, 43, posted 25; speed 25, 33, 25, posted 10; speed 36, 35, 37, 61, 34, 36, 37, 41, 42, 61, posted 25; speed 24, 24, 22, 22, 22, posted 10; speed 37, 37, 37, 42, 42, 38, 42, 38, 35, 41, 42, 37, posted 25; speed 61, 49, 44, posted 25;"

2020 Gorham Police OHRV complaint tally. "181 off-route (roads/trails closed to OHRVs, 120 after hours, 56 Northeast Snowmobile and ATV rentals, 36 speeding, 26 noise, 16 trespassing, 9 dust, 6 young child."

2021: Fish and Game enforcement report Nash Stream S.F.

accident_reports_and_enforcement.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/30 13:16 by sigridundset