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November 6, 2020: OHRV trails crossing roads

July 8, 2016: DOT email re Claremont and FHWA.

May 5, 2016 DOT Commissioner Declaratory Ruling re RSA-A:9 governing OHRV trail crossings within class I,II,and III highway rights-of-way.

July 9, 2019 DOT permit for crossing of Hughes Rd.,/Route 145

October 3, 2020: Ride the Wilds; list of DOT permitted road crossings.

September 23, 2020: Columbia and Colebrook rail to trail conversion request.

July 7, 2016: Federal Highway Administration rejects Claremont's request for exemption from rule excluding OHRVs from Rail Trail.

2019: Colebrook and Columbia OHRV request

May 22, 2019: DNCR/BOT announce public meeting to discuss including OHRV use on portions of NH Route 3 and NH Route 145.

June 10, 2016; Haverhill request for crossing of Blackmount Rail Trail

June 17, 2016; FHWA response to Haverhill request for crossing

June 3,, 2019; BOT to DOT: The majority of permits have been put into the ArcGIS program for the OHRV crossings, etc. Once you folks have all agreed that the format and information looks good we will finish uploading the rest of the data...On May 21st we requested DOT District 1 revoke the On-Highway Permit for Jimtown Road in Gorham; permit 01-WOHC035-15. There was no connection to the OHRV trail network from this section of highway. Earlier today we also requested that the permit for Lost Nation Road in Northumberland, permit 01-WOHC07-13, be revoked.

November 13, 2018; DOT to DNCR; revocation of OHRV crossing of Rt. 3 at Tarns Rd.

October 6, 2017: DOT Commissioner Declaratory Ruling re RSA-A:9 governing OHRV trail crossings withing class I,II,and III highway rights-of-way. {{ :arcand:fw_rsa_91-a_request_for_crossing_info_redacted_pi.pdf |

May, 2019: Jericho Connector route 110 paving for OHRV

July 8, 2016; NH DOT Claremont letter

July 14, 2016, Haverhill letter, final

April 10. 2017: DOT to DNCR/BOT: denial of permit applicatioon for OHRV crossing, Hill Rd. and Danforth Rd. Pittsburg.

April 11, 2017: DOT to DNCR/BT, denial of permit application for OHRV crossing Rt. 3 at interesection of Colburn Rd., and River Rd., Pittsburg.

April 10, 2017: DOT to DNCR/BOT, denial of permit application for OHrV crossing Rt. 3, intersection of Mt. View Drive, Pittsburg.

October 29, 2019: DOT to DNCR/BOT revocation of permit for OHRV crossing Route 3, Tarns Rd. Pittsburg.

July 11 2019: 91-A request for all material related to the decision making process on the opening of the Rt. 145 crossing, as well as the closing of all three crossing in Pittsburg.

November 9, 2020: No DOT approved crossings in Henniker. "the Bureau of Planning has been working with Department of Safety and the DNCR Trails Bureau to create a GIS mapping tool. It is not completed yet and I’m not sure if it will be intended for public use or not:

November 6 2020: "The trail connector and crossing, located along and across Route 114 in the town of Henniker, which connects to the southwest end of Mink Hill Road, shall be designated for OHRV use during the months of May 3 through November, provided that the town of Henniker and private lands south of Route 114 continue to allow the public OHRV use on their properties.

April 10, 2019: BOT to DOT; "Thanks for getting back to me. Just to give you a heads up the club is going to the town to see if they will support opening up Rt. 145 and Rt.3 to keep the process moving. They are trying to have connections in place to open on May 23rd The club has permission from the landowner just north of Hugh’s road to get to Rt. 145. They will be looking to go down 145 to get access to Hugh’s Rd. If DoT is going to have concerns about accessing Hugh’s Rd from 145 then the club is going to ask the town to support using 145 all the way into town. If you have thoughts on that would you let me know so the club can ask the town for the appropriate section of road. The crossing at Grampies will no longer be needed at this time for OHRV’s. The landowner on west side of Rt.3 has changed their mind and is no longer going to allow access across their property. The plan for that crossing is to come out of the entrance to the IGA and go north on Rt.3 to another access road that is just north about 500 feet that goes down to the rail bed. The club has permission from both owners on either end of the On Highway Connector.."

July 26, 2019: DOT; "we did have one OHRV trail crossing in Pittsburg on US-3 that was revoked late last year. The permit and relevant correspondences is attached. With regard to the NH-145 “crossing”, we did not issue any crossings in Colebrook on NH-145. However, we did issue On-highway connector permits for NH-145 and US-3. A copy of those permits is attached."

August 17, 2016: Request for information on permitting a driveway crossing of the Blackmount (Haverhill) Rail Trail.

October 19, 2020: request for response to 91-a: "all documents, no matter what form, including but not limited to, printed documents, electronic documents, e-mails, or any other form of documents regarding modifying, re-routing or building of ATV/OHRV Trails in Colebrook for the period from 03/15/2019 to 10/15/2020. Looking for any correspondence in writing, email or phone calls between NHDOT, NHDOS, NHDCR, the Town of Colebrook Select Board or Town Manager, The Metallak ATV Club concerning the modifying, re-locating, design or building of ATV/OHRV trails in Colebrook for this year or projects being discussed for next year. "

August 20, 2019: follow up on 91-a; "Thank you. I think there are a few things outstanding still. I believe there were three crossings in Pittsburg that were closed. This only captures one of them. Is that not the case? Please also include any and all rationale provided for the other two closings, and if relevant, reopenings. Also, I had requested any record of DOT's evaluation of comments and input regarding safety and the Colebrook 145 crossing. Finally, please include any evaluation or discussion of DOT directives in relation to the Colebrook 145 crossing.."

May 2019: Yamaha Trail north side paving.

Yamaha Trail south side paving.

12-16-2021/arcand.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/03 11:20 by sigridundset