====== Department of Forest and Lands photos ======

West Side ATV Road and ATV “Trail” and Bordeau(x) “Trail”

1999: North Country ATV Club; "We have proven we can co-exist with both equestrians and hikers with no problems...in wrapping up the safety issue let it be known that for the most part ATVs are not high speed vehicles and with a proper signing and just a little common sense there should be no safety problems."

Gene Alan Erl FS opinion on easement 2001

Supervisor Wagner: FS requires permission for ATV through trails 9-25-2001

10-2001 map of proposed Nash Stream and Bordeau ATV 'Trails'

Nash Stream ATV subcommittee: "Nash Stream should be opened to ATVs "to disperse the damage." 12-11-01

7-3-02; so-called Noise Baseline Study, done for West Side ATV Road

2002 West Side Rd. annual report

2002 bird survey West Side Rd., Carol Foss. "ATV activity is most likely to affect breeding birds and other wildlife through direct mortality, physical habitat degradation and noise disturbance. Noise disturbance has the potential to impact the largest numbers of individuals over the largest area. Many questions remain regarding the effects of ATV activity on native wildlife. These questions are of increasing importance to both public and private land managers as human pressures on large tracts of forest continue to grow. Future research must address characteristics of ATV use as well as wildlife patterns. Appropriate next steps include a comprehensive literature review and consideration of a collaborative research effort across multiple land ownerships."

2002 Mammal track and turtle nesting survey West Side Rd. Peter Spear

2002: WMNF legal opinion on ATV use in Nash Stream, 2022 91-a produces more documents than earlier request.

2002: "Realize the North Country is now courting a Federal prison, has a State prison, and will ask the legislature for the right to have a gambling casino! In that context, isn't a well organized ATV and trailbike system to attract tourist dollars and jobs a better idea?" Rep. John Alger,

AMC and Nature Conservancy against opening Nash Stream State Forest to ATVs: "The (ATV) Study Committee held only a single 90-minute public meeting, which was not sufficient to identify or review the complexities of this important topic. In no way did the Committee's work represent the in depth analysis called for by Director Bryce." 2-7-02

2003: Water quality, fish and benthic macroinvertebrates study. "It is strongly recommended that periodic site investigations and maintenance be performed on the ATV trail and at surface intersections with water courses in order to minimize water quality impacts."

2003 West Side Rd. annual report

2004 West Side Rd. annual report

2005 West Side Rd. annual report

January 2, 2007: Summary of findings West Side Trail

AMC, TNC, SPNHF tell CORD ATVs violate Nash Stream 5- 5-2016

John Magee to F&G Director Glenn Normandeau 8-1-2016: "There also continues to be questions surrounding the issue of allowing any ATV trails in the Nash Forest and whether or not this recreational activity fits with the Vision. SPNHF, TNC and AMC have raised concerns over the legitimacy of ATVs on Nash and have also questioned the approach used to review trail proposals."

DFL to CORD 10-25-2016: "Expanding the OHRV trails to the main road and the Amos Emery Road would lead to an increase in maintenance and could conflict with forest management activities in the future. Though there is limited riding allowed on Nash Stream today, the majority of the Technical Team had concerns that further expansion of OHRV use was not consistent with the management vision or the purpose for why Nash Stream was originally acquired."

John Magee to F&G Director Glenn Normandeau, 8-1-2016: "Over the years, I have heard from the mainstem of Nash Stream OHRVs on the West Side Trail, even when they are several hundred feet away. Most anglers that fish the part of Nash Stream near the West Side Trail do so for the overall experience of being away from multitudes of cars, dwellings, OHRVs and other human activities."

DFL solicits input from CORD on ATV Trails 10-25-2016

5-2-2017 Nash Stream Citizens' Advisory Committe review of public feedback on draft Management Plan

2020: Nash Stream Natural Communities surveyed in 2018 & 2019

9/20/20 AMC memo to CORD: ATVs not permitted according to FS

9/22/20, AMC & SPNHF legal memo to CORD: ATVs not snowmobiles

11-2022 Natural Heritage Bureau presentation

West Side and Bordeau ATV roads, and snowmobile trails

10-5-2022: 3 page monitoring report for Bordeaux and West Side Roads

10-19-22:Executive Council approves $4,000,000. spending on fossil-fueled tourism.

11-17-22: Nash Stream Citizen's Committee agenda

11-9-22: letter requesting that the NSFCC meeting be postponed until the Kelsey Road Inspection Report is available.

11-28-22: Caledonian Article; Concerns about ATVs in Nash Stream S.F.

Chair of NSFCC forwards article to DNCR and DFL.

2022: 225 pages of Bordeaux Road ATV counts; 5/20/22-10-17-22

2023: West Side ATV and Snowmobile Trails/Roads map given by Larry Gomes to Patrick Hackley before CORD 3-9-2023 meeting