Table of Contents

Applications for name changes:

Mt Washington cover page

Mt. Washington text

Mt. Washington genocide supplement

Sullivan Massacre commemorative cover

Sulllivan Massacre First Day of Issue envelope

Baker River cover page

Baker River text

Bounty payments

June 2023: CORD Agency responses to proposal to change Mt. Washington to Agiocochook and the Baker River to Asquamchumauke

BEA response

DAS response

DES response

DHHS response

DNCR response

DOS response

Education response

Fish and Game response

DOT response

NH Housing response

Response to Agency responses

June 2023 response to agency responses on proposed name changes

Petition to change the name of Mt. Washington

Petition to change the name of Mt Washington.


2015, Mt. McKinley is now Denali – will we soon be driving up the Agiocochook Auto Road? Granite Geek/Concord Monitor

2023, June 18, InDepthNH

2023, Agiocochook- It rolls off the tongue; Solstice, Union Leader Editorial

2023, June 22; Union Leader article by John Koziol

2023: June 23, Union Leader, John Koziol

2023, June 26, InDepthNH