H-141 115kV line

map showing line location


2023 crossing application

2023 exhibits

2023 staff recommendation

2023 license

2023 license revision memo

2023 revised license

2023, June 27: Alteration of Terrain permit with waivers

2023, June 16: Alteration of Terrain plans

2023, May 18, presentation to PAC, replace 35 out of 182 structures; $8.4 million

2023 may 18 PAC minutes

2023, May 5: cover letter for Alteration of Terrain application. "The proposed project includes the replacement of 76 existing utility structures on the R193, A126, and H141 transmission lines that must be replaced because they have reached the end of their service life."

2018, October 17, presentation to PAC, replace 49 structures, $8.3 million

notice of decision ES

2021 crossing order of notice

ES permit by notification

2021 crossing recommendation

September 2021, intra-department communication

October 2018 PAC presentation

2023 Danville Planning Board: "The structure replacements were selected based on site visit evaluations conducted by Eversource and must be replaced for the transmission line to continue to function safely and reliably."

May 2019 Exeter Conservation Commission meeting packet

October 2021 Brentwood planning board minutes



2018, October 17; PAC submission, replace 44 structures at $7.7 million