A-111 115kV transmission line

Application to ISO for TCA. Rebuilding line at the same size is not presented as an alternative. No pole inspections submitted. Described as reliability and asset condition project

March 3, 2022 New Hampton Selectboard minutes. E$ wants work to be allowed 7 days a week, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Dump trucks are delivering gravel for road building and there will be drilling.

December 2020 Asset Condition PAC presentation

Project construction fact sheet citing reliability

2015: "The load and added local generation in this area has not required the upgrading of either line."

2021, August 19; Final TCA, $33. m.

October 2019 PAC presentation. A-111 listed as Asset Condition, not reliability project.

Project Construction Fact Sheet

April 2021 submission to SEC claiming new, larger, taller, steel line is a one-for-one replacement

October 2022 PAC presentation, local system plan

2021, order of notice

October 2021, crossing license

November 2020, petition for amended license

March 2023 request to NEPOOL for TCA

2021 ISO determination of no problems with interconnection

January 2022, license granted

December 2021, staff recommendation

2017 river crossings, no mention of pole degradation