R-187 115kV line {{ ::crossing-license-granted_r-187.pdf |2021, December 1; crossing granted}} {{ ::a2_eversource_laminated_wood_structure_replacements_phase_2_rev1_redline.pdf |2021, October 20; PAC submission, replace 31 out of 31 structures, $7.5 m.}} {{ ::staff_rec_r-187.pdf |2021, September 21; staff recommendation}} {{ ::petition_exhibits_1-4.pdf |2021, May petition}} {{ ::crossing_petition_r-187.pdf |2021, May petition exhibits}} {{ ::r187:r-187.jpg?linkonly |pole in good condition being cut down}} {{ :r187:r-187_pole_stub.jpg?linkonly |pole stub after felling}} {{ :r187:r-187_2.jpg?linkonly |pole in good condition laying on altered terrain. "Recent structure replacements have revealed additional concerns about the integrity of laminated wood structures installed between 2000 and 2014"}} {{ :r187:r-187_felled_4.jpg?linkonly |good condition labeled felled pole}} {{ :r187:r-187_inspection_or_treatment_2001.jpg?linkonly |inspection or treatment tag}} {{ :r187:r-187_long.jpg?linkonly |very long good condition pole on trucked in gravel pad}} {{ :r187:r-187_pile.jpg?linkonly |pole pile on trucked in gravel pad}} {{ :r187:r-187_pile_2.jpg?linkonly |same pole pile showing extensive cleared and graveled land}} {{ :r187:r-187_psnh.jpg?linkonly PSNH tag|Pole with tag and number}}