E-115 115kV Line $64 million {{ :a-111_long_road.png?linkonly |Long road}} {{ ::a-111_wetland_matting.jpeg?linkonly |Wetland matting}} {{ ::a-111_sign.jpeg?linkonly |Stay away sign}} {{ ::a-111_road_road.jpeg?linkonly |Road and wetlands matting on ROW and new structures, conductor and OPGW}} {{ ::a-111_pole_and_water.jpeg?linkonly |New pole in water}} {{ ::a-111_new_hampton.jpeg?linkonly |Large truck hauling flatbed on wetland matting and road in ROW.}} {{ ::a-111_embedded_pole.jpeg?linkonly |Two new poles in water}} {{ ::a-111_bulldozer.jpeg?linkonly |Excavator, gravel truck and other heavy machinery on ROW}} {{ ::e-115_z-1180_and_a-111_2023.pdf |2023, March; request to NEPOOL for TCA}} {{ ::attachment_rr-dpu-es-3.pdf |2022, October 19; PAC presentation }} {{ ::a05_1_es-22-tca-20_final.pdf |2022, June 27: Final TCA E-115}} {{ ::road_construction_on_the_e-115_line.pdf |road construction on the E-115 before replacement with new larger line with taller and wider steel towers and larger conductor}} {{ ::e115-start-of-construction-letter.pdf |2022, June 23; start of construction letter}} {{ ::e115-project-maps.pdf |2022, May 12; project maps}} {{ ::03-29-22_mtg_minutes_prlac.pdf |2022, March 23; PRLAC (Pemigewasset River Local Advisory Committee) Minutes. Eversource later said no permits were required.}} {{ ::license-granted.pdf |January 2022, license granted}} {{ ::staff-recommendation.pdf |january 2022, staff recommendation}} {{ :a05_1_es-22-tca-20_final.pdf |2022: Eversource Transmission Cost Allocation application}} {{ ::cr-2021-025-order-of-notice.pdf |2021: order of notice}} {{ ::petition-attachments.pdf |December 2021, petition attachment, 12/2016 original date, pole heights 52'-106'}} {{ :iso_7-15-2021_no_significant_impact_of_interconnection.pdf |July 2021 no impact from interconnection}} {{ ::2017_river_crossings_existing_poles_and_wires_just_fine.pdf |2017 river crossings, no mention of pole degradation}} {{ ::e-115_and_a-111_2-15.png?linkonly |2015: "The load and added local generation in this area has not required the upgrading of either line."}} {{ ::e1115crossing.pdf |crossing}} {{ :a5_webster_beebe_river_115kv_corridor_asset-conditions_and_opgw_project_lines_a111_e115_z180_rev1_clean.pdf |asset condition projects}}