B-143 115kV line {{ ::391:2023_05_18_meeting_minutes_final.pdf |2023, May 18 PAC minutes "A stakeholder suggested the ISO could take an “if you build it, they will come approach” but another stakeholder raised concern that this could be “building a bridge to nowhere.” "}} {{ ::a04_2023_05_28_pac_nh_wood_structure_and_opgw_installations.pdf |2023, May 18, presentation to PAC, replace 46 out of 154 structures and reconductor with Optical Ground Wire (OPGW); $17.3 million}} {{ :may_18_2023_e_pac_lines_map.png?linkonly |map showing line location}} {{ ::19-146_2019-09-04_eversource_petition_crossing_baboosic.pdf |}} {{ ::19-146_2019-11-07_staff_recommendation.pdf |}} {{ ::a2_eversourcce_115kv_wood_pole_and_shield_wire_replacements_2020_2023_rev1_redline.pdf |December 2019, 2020-2023 revisions PAC presentation}} {{ ::a2_eversourcce_115kv_wood_pole_and_shield_wire_replacements_2020_2023_rev1_clean.pdf |Same as above but "clean"}} {{ ::b143_map_and_drawings.pdf |}}