B-112 115kV line {{ ::2023_05_18_meeting_minutes_final.pdf |2023 May 18 PAC minutes, Replace 254 wood structures with new steel structures, Re-conductor 22.9 miles of 336 ACSR with 1272 ACSS, Install 45.8 miles of OPGW (2 x 22.9 mi) Estimated PTF Cost: $105.43M (-25% / +50%) Projected In-service Date: Q4, 2024}} {{ ::b112-u199-q195_rebuild_presentation.pdf |May 18, 2023 Line rebuild presentation to PAC}} {{ ::beebe-river-white-lake-project-fact-sheet.pdf |fact sheet}} {{ ::beebe-river-white-lake-soc.pdf |2023, May 17: Dear Neighbor letter about reliable power}} {{ ::b112:aot2336_rm.pdf |2023, March 31: DES permission with waivers}} {{:b112:transmittal_of_final_documents_re_b112_transmission_line_rebuild_nhb22-2059_campton_sandwich_tamworth.pdf |2023, March 31, cover letter for final documents transmittal}} {{:b112:final_nhfg_conditions_re_nhfg_review_nhb22-2059_nhb22-2060_nhb22-2061_eversource_b112_structure_replacement_campton_sandwich_tamworth.pdf |2023, February 3: NH Fish & Game's "recommended permit conditions that were initially issued 11/18/22 amended to include the unavoidable vernal pool buffer impacts"}} {{ ::1-cre-2022-023-application.pdf |2022 application}} {{ ::2_-cre-2022-023-application-exhibits.pdf |2022 application exhibits}} {{ ::3_-cre-2022-023-energy-staff-recommendation.pdf |2022 staff recommendation}} {{ ::4_-_cre-2022-023-license.pdf |2022, November 18" license}} {{ ::responses_to_stakeholder_comments_on_the_new_hampshire_2029_solutions_study_update.pdf |Undated NHEC response to stakeholder comments on nh 2029 solutions study update}}