Asset Condition documents [[Asset Condition Lists|Asset Condition Lists]] {{ ::oca_reply_brief_230818.pdf |August 18, 2023 Office of the Consumer Advocate reply Brief DE-23-056}} {{ ::2023_07_17_nescoe_asset_condition_request_netos.pdf |July 14, 2023 NESCOE Asset Condition Request to NETOs}} {{ :eversource_nh_map.edited.png?linkonly |Asset Condition map 2023 March}} {{ ::eversource_nh_asset_condition_map_june.edited.png?linkonly |Asset Condition map 2023 June}} {{ ::asset_condition_projects_eversource_nh.pdf |2023, March: Eversource asset condition projects NH pdf}} [[| "The rebuild of the X178 line did not require the acquisition of additional ROW as it was placed off center within the existing ROW, leaving space for future use of the ROW. The load in this area [and others] has not required the upgrade of the remaining sections of the X178 [and other lines]."]] {{ ::final_project_list_presentation_june_2023.pdf |2023, June, final project list presentation}} {{ :undefined:synapse_on_asset_condition_5_2023.pdf |2023 Synapse asset condition letter}} {{ ::a05_2023_05_18_pac_asset_condition_presentation.pdf |May 2023 asset condition presentation}} {{ ::nescoe_nescoe_asset_conditions_letter_230208.pdf |NESCOE asset condition letter}} {{ ::final_project_list_presentation_mar_2022.pdf |March 2022: final project list presentation}} {{ ::a02_2_2021-06-04_ipsac_iso-ne_regional_planning_needs_and_solutions_final.pdf |June 2021: ISO regional planning needs and solutions}} {{ ::what_the_puc_said_and_should_be_repeating_in_de-20-161_re_eversource_asset_condition_project.pdf |2019: What the PUC said about Asset Condition projects}} {{ ::poles_left_by_bus_stop.jpg?linkonly |Decrepit (?) Eversource poles left by bus stop}} {{ ::may_18_2023_e_pac_lines_map.png?linkonly |2023 line map, Deerfield area}} {{ ::psnh_row.pdf |SegTel and Eversource fiber optic case}} {{ ::techno-economic_comparisons_of_hvac_and_simultaneous_ac-dc_transmission.pdf |Techno-economic comparisons of hvac and simultaneous AC-DC transmission}} {{ ::condemnation_deed_x-178_easton.pdf |Condemnation deed, X-178, Easton. Reasonable need, no 'intelligence' rights}} {{ :typical_x-178_row_deed.pdf |Typical X-178 ROW deed, no transmission of 'intelligence' permitted.}} {{ ::weathering_steel_structure_diagram.pdf |New 115V tower, partial image, no dimensions}} {{ ::23-056_2023-06-08_acknowledgment_letter.pdf |acknowledgement of petition}} {{ ::petition_to_nh_puc_for_review_of_eversource_asset_condition_projects_may_2023.pdf |petition for review of eversource asset condition projects}} {{ ::supplement_to_petition_for_a_docket_on_eversource_asset_condition_projects_5-2023.pdf |supplement to petition}}