====== A-111 115kV transmission line ====== {{ ::a05_1_es-21-tca-44_final.pdf |Application to ISO for TCA. Rebuilding line at the same size is not presented as an alternative. No pole inspections submitted. Described as reliability and asset condition project}} {{ ::new_hampton_sb_minutes_3-3-22.png?linkonly |March 3, 2022 New Hampton Selectboard minutes. E$ wants work to be allowed 7 days a week, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Dump trucks are delivering gravel for road building and there will be drilling.}} {{ ::a5_webster_beebe_river_115kv_corridor_asset-conditions_and_opgw_project_lines_a111_e115_z180_rev1_clean.pdf |December 2020 Asset Condition PAC presentation}} {{ ::a111-project-construction-factsheet.pdf |Project construction fact sheet citing reliability}} {{ ::e-115_and_a-111_2-15.png?linkonly |2015: "The load and added local generation in this area has not required the upgrading of either line."}} {{ ::a05_1_es-21-tca-44_final.pdf |2021, August 19; Final TCA, $33. m.}} {{ ::a5_webster_beebe_river_115kv_corridor_asset-conditions_and_opgw_project_lines_a111_e115_z180_rev1_clean.pdf |October 2019 PAC presentation. A-111 listed as Asset Condition, not reliability project.}} {{ ::a111-project-construction-factsheet.pdf |Project Construction Fact Sheet}} {{ ::a111_full_rebuild_.pdf |April 2021 submission to SEC claiming new, larger, taller, steel line is a one-for-one replacement}} {{ ::attachment_rr-dpu-es-3.pdf |October 2022 PAC presentation, local system plan}} {{ ::cr-2021-016-order-of-notice.pdf |2021, order of notice}} {{ ::crossing_license.pdf |October 2021, crossing license}} {{ ::de-20-042.pdf |November 2020, petition for amended license}} {{ ::e-115_z-1180_and_a-111_2023.pdf |March 2023 request to NEPOOL for TCA}} {{ ::iso_7-15-2021_no_significant_impact_of_interconnection.pdf |2021 ISO determination of no problems with interconnection}} {{ ::license-granted.pdf |January 2022, license granted}} {{ ::staff_recommend.pdf |December 2021, staff recommendation}} {{ ::2017_river_crossings_existing_poles_and_wires_just_fine.pdf |2017 river crossings, no mention of pole degradation}}