391 345kV Line {{ ::391:2023_05_18_meeting_minutes_final.pdf |2023, May 18 PAC minutes "A stakeholder suggested the ISO could take an “if you build it, they will come approach” but another stakeholder raised concern that this could be “building a bridge to nowhere.” "}} {{ ::a04_2023_05_28_pac_nh_wood_structure_and_opgw_installations.pdf |2023, May 18, presentation to PAC, replace 39 out of 335 structures; $12.4 million}} {{ :391:aot2210_rm.pdf |2022, August 19; Alteration of Terrain DES approval and waiver letter 391, 373, 385}} {{ :a3_eversource_new_hampshire_asset_conditions_wood_structure_replacement.pdf |2022, June 15 presentation to PAC, replace 27 out of 345 poles; $9. million for 391 line}} {{ :391:aot_2210_miscellaneous_r.pdf |2022, June 1; Alteration of Terrain application 391 line.}} {{ :391:fig_4_-_391_385_373_2022_aot_plans_041522_compiled.pdf |2022, April, Alteration of Terrain Plans, 391, 373, 385}} {{ :391:aot-2210_plans.pdf |2022, May; Alteration of Terrain drawings, 391, 373, 385}} {{ :may_18_2023_e_pac_lines_map.png?linkonly |map showing line location}} {{ ::delineated_wetland_under_391.jpg?linkonly |delineated wetland under 391, "upgrade"}} {{ ::delineated_wetland_under_391_2_.jpg?linkonly |delineated wetland under 391, wetlands are not an asset, 'for' Eversource.}} {{ ::delineated_wetland_under_391_line.jpg?linkonly |delineated wetland under 391, "upgrade"}} {{ :391:aot-1781_plans.pdf |2020, January 20; Surface and Groundwater overlay plans}} {{ :391:aot-1781_start_of_construction.pdf |2020: Start of Construction form}} {{ :391:aot1781_rm.pdf |2020, April 3; DES permission to Alter the Terrain, with waivers}} {{ :391:aot-1632_start_of_construction.pdf |2019, July 1 Start of Construction form}} {{ ::391:aot1632_rm.pdf |2019, June 28; DES permission to Alter Terrain, with waivers, 391, 373, 385}} {{ :391:aot-1632_miscellaneous_r.pdf |2019, May; Alteration of Terrain permit application}} {{ :391:aot-1632_plans.pdf |2019, April 24; Alteration of Terrain plans for structure replacements 391, 373, 385}} {{ ::a9_eversource_345kv_structure_replacement_projects.pdf |2017, December presentation to PAC, replacement of 69 out of 335 poles; $19.6 million}}