====== 307 345kV line ====== {{ ::307:aot2384_rm.pdf |2023, May 23: DES permission for alteration of terrain with waivers}} {{ :307:307_fish_and_game_restrictions_on_work.pdf |2023, Fish & Game restrictions on work}} {{ :307:307_restrictions_6-16-2022.pdf |2022, June 16: e-mail with restrictions on work}} {{ ::391:2023_05_18_meeting_minutes_final.pdf |2023, May 18 PAC minutes "A stakeholder suggested the ISO could take an “if you build it, they will come approach” but another stakeholder raised concern that this could be “building a bridge to nowhere.” "}} {{ ::a04_2023_05_28_pac_nh_wood_structure_and_opgw_installations.pdf |2023, May 18, presentation to PAC, Replace 15 out of 46 structures and reconductor with Optical Ground Wire (OPGW); $9.4 million}} {{ :may_18_2023_e_pac_lines_map.png?linkonly |map showing line location}} {{ :307:or_lac_comment_on_eversource_307_des_230213-034.pdf |2023, March 23: Oyster River Local Advisory Committee comments}} {{ :307:aot-2384_new_hampshire_fish_and_game_permit_conditions.pdf | Fish & Game permit conditions}} {{ :307:aot-2384_aot_package.pdf |2023, February 8: alteration of terrain application}} {{ ::1-cre-2023-005-application.pdf |2023, March 7: Eversource application for river crossing}} {{ ::2-cre-2023-005_exhibits_1_to_5.pdf |}} {{ ::3-cre-2023-005-energy-staff-recommendation.pdf |}} {{ ::4-cre-2023-005-license.pdf |}} {{ ::326_ras_retirement_project_i_3_9_letter_es_22_x01.pdf |}} {{ ::a3_eversource_new_hampshire_asset_conditions_wood_structure_replacement.pdf |2022, June 15, presentation to PAC}} {{ ::a4_3_307_345kv_line_structure_replacement_tca_es_19_tca_07.pdf |2019, February 11, submission to NEPOOL}} {{ ::durham_permitted_use_app_final_11.26.2019.pdf |}} {{ ::planners_review.pdf |}} {{ ::a9_eversource_345kv_structure_replacement_projects.pdf |2017, December presentation to PAC, replacement of 47 out of 145 poles.}} {{ ::12182017_0.pdf |2017, December 17, Deerfield Conservation Commission minutes}} {{ ::southeast_of_the_deerfield_ss_near_the_397_line._wetland_under_the_307_line_beyond..jpg?linkonly |wetland under the 307, southeast of the deerfield ss}} {{ ::southeast_of_the_deerfield_ss_near_the_397_line._wetland_under_the_307_line_beyond._2_.jpg?linkonly |wetland under the 307}} {{ ::tops_and_debris_in_wetlands_under_307.jpg?linkonly |tops and debris in wetland under the 307}}